Saturday, September 26, 2009

Dear SRK and disembodied hand...

To the former: Stop smoking! It will kill you, it's disgusting and we can see your nicotine stains in your films, esp in Swades and Rab Ne. Not attractive. Also, you have children, for shame.
To the former's haircut: never again, but good side burn length
To the latter: could you be any more the epitome of a stereotypical Indian gesture? I think not. Also, you freak me out.

just sayin'


Shelby said...

I'm so cool. I pad my own blog numbers with my own commentsssssssssssssss.

Look! I'm the heir of Slytherin!!! Sssss, like a snake! That's why my friends call me Whiskers!

bollywooddeewana said...

Lol at your comment

Shelby said...

haha, that was actually my roommate...