Thursday, May 5, 2011

I hate catch up so here it is.

I move to Cedar City on Wednesday, less than a week. Since graduating I've been working with Janet, my USF designer, to get ready to go to Cedar City. I've been living at my friend Martha's and have been thoroughly enjoying the fact that when I'm done for the day I'm DONE! No homework. I bought Vay-noos (my car) from my sister, which I am super grateful for. I have a job, I have a car, I am moving out of Provo. I am beginning my life as a bonified adult. Funny huh?

I went to lunch with my friend John yesterday and was telling him how I haven't really minded Provo that much. It's a good size, it's close to Orem and Salt Lake, and the closest and most useful place I could live in and be close to my sister Ashley. I live in Provo because BYU is in Provo and for four years BYU has been my life, so Provo has been great. But now I'm leaving! Exciting huh? I've only been to Cedar City twice, and for entirely Utah Shakes reasons. Even though small town UT might not be too too big of a difference from Provo I'm stoked to work at a professional theatre, to be around all them cowboys and catch up with an old Young Women's leader that's in Cedar City.

I will miss people from Provo. I can't think of another situation where dinner group would be possible, or where all your neighbors are super good friends because you all go to church together and play four square once a week. I've loved my ward. It is truly amazing and I'll miss the people in it, but I'm not one for mushy-ness. I don't pretend that I'll remember absolutely everyone's names from BYU. There are people I'd love to keep in touch with, and thanks Facebook, that's possible, but all in all I'll remember the wonderfully fun times I had in this ward after Peter Pan was over and I let myself have a semblance of a life for the first time since high school.

Am I getting sentimental? I don't mean to...Life's just been oodles of great recently and even though not having super solid plans for the next 18 months of my life freaks the crap out of me, not to mention choosing a grad school, I recognize that this is all a part of growing up. I just can't wait for the day that I can stay in one place for more than a year and can buy IKEA furniture and paint walls.

1 comment:

Whitney said...

I'll come help you buy IKEA furniture...or I'm sure Caren would.