Sunday, August 23, 2009

I'm in Boise for another week, then get into UT on Friday, and into Provo on Saturday. I'm excited to get going again with school. I'm a little frightened of my German class. Last year my professor gave us an A as long as we tried hard. I tried, but probably would have gotten a C if Mr. Prof. hadn't been so kind. This year in 202 I'll have a different professor, who I'd guess will grade me based on my actual skill with the German language. I'm excited to actually learn German for real though. I've had 5 years so far, you'd think I'd be pretty good at it by now...but I'm not really a study-er. However, since I've been teaching myself Hindi I've developed some pretty handy language studying skills. I really would love to be bilingual, or trilingual, so let's work hard at it shall we? Maybe I'll blog in German eventually, just for practice, and so my German fluent sister can laugh and cry over my horrible grammar. I know I can do well. Heck, I got an A in pattern making last semester which I thought was impossible. Same with advanced construction, writings of Isaiah was a different story...

I'm planning on really delving into my major this next semester. Not that I haven't been. I spend every extra moment I can researching and such, but I'd really like to continue sewing projects, namely Indian costume projects, while I continue my other studies. This could be difficult b/c of the German and all, but I want to get really good at patterning and construction. I also have my own design I want to get ahead with. I designed an Indian inspired wedding dress I might even try to drape before the Holidays.

Anyway, brain dump. That was nice. It's been over a week and a half since I watched any Bollywood and much longer since I saw anything new, but hopefully I can reassemble the Bollywood Posse once I'm back in Provo. The BYU library has a pretty great collection of Hindi films. If only I could get a hold of's always checked out!!!

1 comment:

Gwennifer said...

I totes wantzta see Lagaan!