Haleh, Becca, Susan and I went to the Himalayan Festival at the Krishna Temple in Spanish Fork on Saturday (http://utahkrishnas.com/main/page.asp?id=23). It was AMAZING!! I got a wicked awesome shawl (seen above) and we ate yummy food. The entertainment was fantastic. Divya Narayanan performed with her students. She was great and her students were the cutest, chubbiest little brown babies! The costumes were excellent. My favorite part was Rasika Kumar, a very good Indian dancer that must have been at least 5'9"! She was so fantastic. She performed for about an hour and was just amazing! We learned about Indian dance in the first half of theatre history so it was fun to see it live. She wore dancing bells and stomped and the stage boomed and it was great. Again, her costume was fantastic. I appreciate Indians because they aren't ashamed of less than 'perfect' bodies. Older women rock their saris even after having kids and losing their figures, if they had one to begin with.
Earlier on Saturday I worked on some sewing homework, then I met Whitty and Davey Boy for lunch at Ikea. That was an experience. It makes me want to stop moving from place to place and settle down just so I can buy furniture. I laughed heartily at Whitney's broken foot. haha.
After the Himalayan Festival Susan, Becca and I watched Pardes at Susan's until 1.30. It was along the DDLJ vein. It was nice to watch one of SRK's earlier ones after realizing how old he's getting in Rab Ne. He needs to stop smoking, his teeth are getting pretty gross. But anyway, I'll always love a slightly chubby, baby-faced Shah Rukh defending the one he love's honor. Of course from this movie we learn that Indian Elders are crazy, only the grandma has any sense and all Americans will rape you. You can tell where Indian priorities lie when the movie ends with the lovers hugging their fathers and not eachother. Overall, a nice film. Tell ya what, SRK is so hot in his vests and sports jackets w/ no other shirt, or his GIANT newsboy caps ;).
Watched Rab Ne again w/ Ames for one of her classes. I can't get over how amazing the costumes and transformation is. I love it I love it I love it! Not such a fan of Anushka Sharma, but SRK shines.
I'm slowly but surely working my way through the Hindi alphabet w/ my new Teach Yourself Hindi program I got. It has a book and CDs to listen to. Each chapter introduces a new concept by having you follow the soap opera-ish life of a Delhi family.
Whitney broke her foot? In Cancun? Nice...
Oh man, next time I go to India, I'm getting you tons of pashminas. Also, for a brief while, one of my uncles headed a film company and frequently lunched with the Bachchan tribe. Unforch, Previously Cool Uncle quit Bollywood.
Anushka rocks.
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