Friday, May 8, 2009

Life update minus Bollywood, plus a little actually

Ok, so my life (besides Bollywood, even though they're kind of inseparable). I'm taking Advanced Sewing MWF 8-noon. It's super great! I love the professor, I had her for pattern making (which I got an A in, holler!). We get along great and the class is small and wonderful. We're working on fitting right now so I just got done making a skirt that fits me perfectly. Consequently, I now know that I am very angular and asymmetrical.

I work MWF afternoons, after class, and TTh during the day. Work's been great! I'm not stitching at all. We're organizing our hat collection and as wardrobe supervisor it's my job to put the 1000+ hats into our museum/cataloguing software. So far I've done 112 hats since last Friday, but I've streamlined the process and get about 25 in every 3 hours. It's fun!! Besides hats, which in reality drives me nuts after about 3 days straight, I'm helping a grad student, and Mary, our costume historian professor, go through our antique collection for Mary's research collection. That's right! They pay me to sit next to Jane Anne, open up antique garments, date them, look at the seams, the details, figure out what alterations have been done, what they're made out of, then I guess the reason they need me is to roll up the garments again and label them "study" or "collection" and take them to the appropriate pile. But really it's just Jane Anne and I having gobs of fun and Mary imparting fashion wisdom. It's really amazing and an awesome opportunity to learn. I'm so glad I stayed Spring!!!

My roommates are super awesome and we are totally comfortable together and have lots of fun. The ward seems great so far. The roommies think they have two boys I should date, one based on dressing and grooming standards, and one on height. I won't say them nay, but I'm really into work and my major right now and am totally stoked for grad school, who needs a boy?

But yeah, so, Bollywood. haha. My friends from Wyview and a couple others meet every Wednesday at Susan's because she has a big TV and watch a new movie. I check them out from the library fur frei! It's awesome. Then I normally get one for myself, which is what Kal Ho Naa Ho was. Last night when I was watching it the DVD player skipped back 2 hours at one of the climaxes. The first thing I said was "What happened?!" only in Hindi (something like "Kya Wah?"). It was pretty hilarious. I should devote a whole entry to the Hindi words I know. They're sentence structure still baffles me, but it won't after I take Hindi 101 sometime around my senior year.

So that's my life. The weather is beautiful, I have great friends and love living in Provo!

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