This finals week has been intersting because I sincerely think I could flat out fail my Isaiah final. I took my marriage prep final on Saturday because it's open, and murdered it. I just murdered that class. I have four scheduled finals (ps finals are/were last friday and saturday and today, tuesday and wednesday). I had my draping final today at 7 AM! I got back my drafting final I did last Monday. I got over a 100%! That's good because my muslin just wouldn't do what I wanted it to this morning, but that's user error. Tonight I had my Intermediate Costuming final that I totally murdered. I've been working on it for a while. I spent all of Saturday (except when I was on a double date! or at my friend's acting recital) painting my renderings. Between my finals and work today I finished all the paperwork and details and it all turned out great.
Except for a fun game of kick ball for FHE I've been studying for my theatre history and Isaiah finals all night. I'm a little worried about theatre history, but I've been doing ok in that class. I'm really worried about Isaiah because it was one of those classes that the teacher just kind of rambled about whatever, then later, after you didn't take notes because it didn't seem important at the time, you learned that he was actually teaching! So yeah, I get to memorize the ridiculously specific answers to the 12 essays I just finished outlining so I can right two of them, and take a 50 multiple choice test too!!!! It's tomorrow night! I have theatre in the morning, then I have to return costumes to the LDS Motion Picture Studio tomorrow afternoon! So yeah, I won't let myself go to sleep before 1 this morning and this is the only distraction I'm allowing myself. I think I can squeeze in maybe 7 hours of studying for Isaiah tomorrow.
Oh, then I still have my open New Testament final to take that I have a 100 question study guide to fill out tomorrow night I guess. And I get to get everything cleaned and moved by Thursday. Surprisingly I'm not too worried.
So yeah, that was really long, but I trust someone read it all, and you're not all Whitneys.

PS. Shah Rukh Kahn rules my world, but I'd never really want to meet him because he's only 5'8" and I measured recently, and I'm straight up 6'!
PPS. forget googling panda pictures, "shah rukh kahn dard-e disco"
Also, Ajab Si is probably one of the most beautiful songs ever
In conclusion, a guy friend of mine pointed out that w/ my skin and height I would make beautiful babies with a darker man, so if you're tall and dark, be it black or Indian, call me, I want cocoa/carmel babies!
No time to read your post, I'll do it later. I'll post Easter pics when I find my camera :-).
Shelby, I totally read your post! I'm wondering why you have like 4 religion have finals in lots of church stuff! Your invitation is in the mail to your current location. I didn't get your message until after it was sent. Hopefully you'll forward your mail if you don't get it today.
That is a gross picture.
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