So Genevieve, our friend Heather and I spent the day in Salt Lake. Gen's Pakastani Uncle Saj lives in Salt Lake and offered to cook yummy food for us a while ago, but that was when Nadin was the only one with a car, and Nadin doesn't like to go to SLC. BUT, now I have Vay-noos and can drive to Salt Lake whenever I want! He lives on 200E So. Temple, which was easy to find, but Genevieve directed me towards the wrong ramp and we ended up in the tennant's ramp that is closed w/o a key or something so we got to make a 12 point turn to get out, it was fun. Anway, so we went to Saj's for a YUMMY lunch of curry and yummy chick pea stuff, and samosas, these yummy beef patty things that looked like mushroom tops. We had birthday cake (because Gen's b-day was on Thursday) for dessert.

After lunch we hung around at Saj's digesting for a while, then we parked close the the capitol and walked down to Temple Square. Before we got there though we waltzed around this really cool historical mansion. We'd parked the same place for Gen Conf. in October, so I'd seen the place before, but this time we went up and looked around. Tours are by appointment only, but the outside was pretty cool anway so we had fun looking around. All I know is that the guy who owned it built it in 1901 and his name was Albert Something with an M.

Temple Sqaure was great because it was a nice day, and it wasn't Conference season like the last time I was around, and we weren't killing time between sessions so we got to wander around wherever we wanted. We went to the reflecting pool, the North Visitor's Center, the Tabernacle and got a tour of the roof of the Conference Center.

Parked next to the Conference Center was the "Truth Truck" that was anti gay marriage and abortions. It had a very disturbing picture of a male couple kissing on it. Albeit it was crossed out, but really? is that necessary? After downtown we went to Sugar House to get Genevieve some Chipotle. I felt so adventurous and fun navigating Salt Lake! As much as State Street going south depressed me, I got excited because I saw the giant bowling pin from ground level! We usually only saw it as kids from the freeway, isn't that fun?
It's called "the McCune Mansion" and has been used as a reception Center, B&B, etc. Mr McCune I believe owned some of the first mines in and around SLC. Looks like you had fun! Love, MOM
I knew mom would know! I remember going there as a kid. It seriously looks like you had tons of fun! I'm glad you've got wheels so you can have fun adventures! (My word verification was "spanka"--I think that's funny)
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