Friday, November 6, 2009

Winter '10 Sched

BYU's started this new thing where we don't use add/drop cards anymore. It used to be you got an official piece of paper that you'd fill out and have your prof sign for upper level and special classes, or when a class was full but they let you add it anyway. This worked great for me b/c Janet could basically sign off on all of my classes then I'd just turn it in. Now we have to enter codes online after we email/talk to our teachers to get them. However, many teachers are having trouble actually getting their codes. They've also added this other deal that upper level classes, that could once be registered for online, now need 'departmental approval' which is basically emailing your teacher to get on the role, then actually being added once classes start.

All this being said I'm only signed up for one class for next Winter so far, World Religions, for which I'm STOKED. My other classes will include...

Advanced Costume Design
TMA 396 (Theory and Lit or something)
History of Eastern Costume
Jewelry and Armor
Blood Wedding

V. busy, but full of loveliness. If you didn't figure it out, that's all theatre classes but one, and Blood Wedding is a lot of work, but not actually a set time, although I will need to spend certain amounts of hours in the shop. This is the last year w/ our grad students, so even though I was planning on taking intermediate make up I'm foregoing it until next year to take the Costume History AND Jewelry/Armor class. The second block of the semester I'll also have a 1 credit London prep class, to prep me for London.

Exited, I think so.


Brianna said...

All of your classes sound like fun! I think you might be more excited, though, than exited... :)

Shelby said...

I JUST saw that, haha