Wednesday, December 15, 2010

10 Reasons to Get a Boyfriend

1. having a picture of my boyfriend on my phone would be less worrisome than having a picture of Lexy’s hateface
2. boyfriends take out your trash
3. boyfriends are nice to look at
4. boyfriends make you eat regularly
5. boyfriends make sure you go outside
6. boyfriends smell good
7. boyfriends are nice to walk with
8. one is more apt to moisturize when hand holding is in order
9. boyfriends usually drive
10. it’s winter and I’m cold


Gwennifer said...

Yes x 10.

Ashley said...

Not all boyfriends are nice to look at. lol

Katie E. said...

Are these observations upon getting a boyfriend or reflections on the benefits of a hypothetical boyfriend?