I've been away for awhile, but I'm not catching you up!! I was so excited for Halloween b/c after a certain point people aren't allowed to ask me for help w/ their costumes anymore. Also, Halloween is the end of October which is the worst month of the year.
On Friday I had every intent to be Katherine Hepburn for our stake dance, but I had a late night the night before so my hair didn't get set and blah blah blah I threw together a 1920s tennis player costume at the last minute. I wish I had a wooden racket, but I don't. I think the picture's gross, but the costume and make up were so adorable! My favorite costume I've put together for myself.
The dance was a riot!!! I love a good dance! I've been lucky enough to always be in the most fun ward of the stake. If the stake dresses like cowboys I'm in the ward that dresses like Indians. If everyone's in normal costumes I'm in the ward w/ the two man 8' elephant costume. All these trends center around my friend Dusty though...so really I just like being in his ward!! But the dance was a blast! I LOVE DANCING!!!
On Saturday I helped w/ my friend Ben's Monster Mile and 5K that he put together in the morning then went to a Peter Pan run through in the afternoon. After such a late night and early morning I slept over the dinner hour and then went to a scary movie!!!
Last year my friend John and I went to the Japanese original of Dark Water so this year we went to the Korean movie A Tale of Two Sisters and screamed our brains out!! It was so scary!! Genevieve, her boo and Rachel came too so I was between Rachel and John and we were all screaming like babies!
Sunday was an excellent day at church, then I went to my friend Kimothy's and ate yummy food and watched Hocus Pocus and boy howdy do I love that movie!!!
And that was my Halloween.
Did you make your adorable costume? Love the fabric! Still waiting for the sari pics (triple hint)!!!
I wasn't able to catch Hocus Pocus. I was so sad. :(
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