Thursday, June 10, 2010

London: Leaving

I head to Paris tomorrow...

Not going to lie, I was really kind of freaking out about going to Europe by myself, but have since calmed down. I'm still anxious, but if you're not anxious you're careless and my dad ain't no Liam Neeson (as he tells me). Packing stinks, esp. when you're in a very small room w/ two other girls that are doing the same thing and you have to stay under 50lbs yada yada. Luckily I packed very lightly, leaving an extra 16 lbs in my big bag and who knows how much in my carry on. So, my big bag is currently 8 lbs underweight, with all my new books even! I'll store my big bag at a storage place for the two weeks I'm gone. Apparently said place is tourist centric with a scale and all, so I'll do all my rearranging when I get back there to pick up my luggage. I think I'm good with weight, because I'm sure you were wondering!

So, off to Paris. My friend Sarah set me up w/ Loli, who seems wonderful. She's a local (former?) RS president that has been babying me through everything so far. After Paris is Bern, Switzerland, which could still turn into Geneva. After Switzerland, Germany! Than Chunnel back, extra day by myself in London then back home to Provo. Honestly, I can't wait until this is all over and I can just sit at Ashley's and watch TV. Cakes is picking me up from the airport!! I'd just appreciate some permanency right now. I'll get it when I move back here w/ Martha to work!

Now, to finish packing and to find my Chunnel and Eurail tickets that decided to disappear a day ago...

1 comment:

dolce vita said...

Arrrghhh, Shelby--I reallyyyy wish you'd be in Switzerland just a little bit longer! I'm landing up in Zurich on the 26th and going to Liechtenstein that week.

Let me know how Bern and Geneva are, my program people are offering us a trip there.